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Eri Yamamoto, Japan

Eri    Yamamoto    was    born    in    Tokyo    and,    after    achieving    her    BA    and    MA    with    highest  honours    at    the    F.    Liszt    Academy    of    Music    in    Budapest    as    a    Stipendium    Hungaricum scholar,    she    moved    to    London   in 2017    to    further    her    skills    on    the    Professional    Diploma    course    at    the    Royal    Academy    of    Music.  Currently in    the    UK    on    an    ‘Exceptional    Talent’  visa,    she    is    also    an    official    piano    accompanist    in    the Strings   Department    of    the    Royal   Academy    of    Music.

Eri    has    won    numerous    prizes    and    awards,    including    becoming the    Finalist    of    the    NY    F.    Liszt Competition, and    had    a    Grand    Final    at    the    Stern    Auditorium    Perelman    Stage    (for    Concerto)    and    the    Weill    Recital    Hall    (for    Solo)    of    the    Carnegie Hall(NY),    the    membership   of    the    Liszt    Society    as    became    the    Finalist    of  the    Liszt    Society    Piano    Competition    (UK),    Absolute    First    Prize    in    the    ‘Citta    di    Barletta’    (Italy),    Second    prize    in    the    G.    Gershwin    Int.    Piano    Competition    (NY,    US),    the    Rosalia    de    Castro    Special    Prize    incl. CD    recording    prize    in    the    International    Piano    Competition    ‘City    of    Vigo’    (Spain),    Second    Prize    in    the    Putra    International    Piano    Competition    (Malaysia),    First    in    the    ‘Grand    Prize    Virtuoso’    International    Music Competition    (Salzburg),    Silver    prize    in    WPTA    Finland,    and    other    honours    throughout Europe    and    Asia.

She    has    performed    at    the    Main    Hall    of    the    F.    Liszt    Academy    of    Music    with    Bartok    Radio   (Budapest),   Chopin    Birthday    Festival    (Warsaw),    the    Stipendium    Hungaricum    Ceremony   attended    by    the    Hungarian   Prime  Minister    (Budapest),    Beethoven    Piano    Society    of    Europe    Summer    Festival    (London),    the    Wiener    Saal   Mozarteum    (Salzburg) and    the Suntory    Hall    Blue    Rose    Room    (Tokyo),    the    Liszt    Hungary    Cultural    Institute    (Tokyo),    the    Hungarian    National    Event - Night    of    Museum    Event    Concert    (Budapest),    National    Physical   Laboratory Music    Society(London),    Westminster    Music    Library    (London),    the    Pashkin    House    (London),    on    FM Yokohama    and    FM    Tokyo    Radio,    Abbey    Road    Studio    (London),    with    Orchestra    of    St.    Luke's - conducting   by    Gabor    Hollerung,    with    Szolnok   Symphony    orchestra - conducting    by    Masahiro    Izaki,    Anima    Musicae    chamber    orchestra,    and    Mihail    Jara    Bacau    Philharmonic    Orchestra    - conducting    by    Ovidiu    Balan,    to    name just    few.

Eri    also    enjoys    performing    as    a    chamber    musician,    having    given    duo    recitals    with    the    clarinettist  Richard Stolzman,    and    performing    in    a    violin    and    piano    duo    on    Hungarian    Radio,    as    well    as    live    appearances    in    London    at    Marylebone    Parish    Church    and    the Royal    Albert    Hall’s    Elgar    Room.    She    was    awarded    the    1st prize    with    the    cellist    Goncalo    Pires    in    the    Int.    London    Classical    Music    Competition    (UK),    the    3rd Prize    with    Trio    Primo in    the   CPO    Int.    Music    Competition    the    Chamber    category.    

She    has    studied    under    Nádor    György    and    has    attended    prestigious    masterclasses   including    Andrea    Bonatta, Cyprien    Katszaris, Pavel    Gililov,    the    International    Mozarteum   Summer    Academy    and    the    Lake    Como  International    Piano    Academy.    She    currently   receives    expert    coaching    from    the    concert    pianist Julian    Jacobson,    Orsolya    Szabó.

“…The prime moment came during the second movement (F. Chopin Piano Concerto No.1), Yamamoto is excellent in producing tones with lyrical melody lines. She has developed and mastered her own modes of expression through her great facility in various piano techniques…”
– Tami Nodaira, “Ongaku no Tomo” magazine, 2018


“…She completely picked the pace by “Home Trained” F. Liszt performing, she invited the audience to the euphoric world by the polished techniques and the bright beautiful tones. Above all, the emotional tension, the scale, and the deep breathing of “Après une lecture du Dante-Fantasia quasi sonata" were the proof of the first-class pianist…”
- Takuo Ikeda, 2021


“…A finely spun Dante Sonata from Eri Yamamoto after a scintillating Rigoletto paraphrase…”
- Christopher Axworthy, 2021


 † prof. Barbara Hesse- Bukowska


Artistic Director:

Dr Krystian Tkaczewski



prof.Maciej Piotrowski


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