Adam Mikołaj Goździewski, Poland

Adam Mikołaj Goździewski was born on 5th of December, 1996 in Łódź, Poland.
He graduated with honours The Zenon Brzewski Comperhensive School of Music in Warsaw. Currently is a student of Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw studying with Professor Joanna Ławrynowicz and Krystyna Makowska- Ławrynowicz.
He has won a number of prizes at prestigious piano competitions in Poland, Ukraine, Russia (Tomsk, 1st prize, 2013), Italy (Barletta, Grand Prix and Gold Medal, 2011), Slovenia (Radovljica, 3rd Prize and special prize for the best performance of Chopin's Mazurka, 2014), Macedonia (Ohrid, Grand Prix and Golden Plaque, 2014) and Estonia (Narva, Grand Prix, EMCY Prize, TFCI Award, 2014).
As pianist and chamber music player Adam Goździewski has performed in many prestigious concert venues and festivals in Poland i.a Warsaw, (The National Philharmonic, Chopin and His Europe Festival), Duszniki Zdrój (66th International Chopin Festival), Łańcut (Castle), as well as abroad i.a Norway (Unge Talenter Festiwal, Drobak), Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Estonia (The National Concert Hall in Tallinn), France (32e Chopin Festival a Paris), USA (Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, New York), Russia, Austria (Chopin Festival in der Kartause in Gaming), and Japan (Yumehieo Hall in Hammamatsu, Bunka Hall, Nagaragawa Hall in Gifu).
During the World's Exhibition EXPO2015 in Milan, he gave 18 Chopin recitals.
He is broadening his musical experience with harpsichord, historical piano, and regularly works with different chamber music structures.
His concerts and recordings receive enthusiasthic revievs from all over the world.
In 2015 Adam Mikołaj Goździewski was one of participants representing Poland in the 17th International Chopin Competition in Warsaw.
Adam Mikołaj Goździewski has been many times awarded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland for his outstanding music achievements.