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Philip Hahn, Germany

Philip Hahn (*2009) is playing the piano evsince he is one year old. At the age of four he becomes youngest pre-college student in Frankfurt a.M/Germany and changes in summer-semester 2016 to the Kalaidos-University of applied sciences switzerland.


Philip has been rewarded with first prices at the competitions „Jugend musiziert" solo and duo, and other competitions, like the Mendelssohn-competition.


He performed at the Kachelsteiner-Festival in Bonn, during the Gala "Wünsch Dir Was" in Düsseldorf and at the Laeiszhalle/Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. He performed at the concert series "Mozart in Moll" in Frankfurt, at the "Kleines Sommerfestival" Junge Überflieger in Munich and at the Ronald-McDonald Childrens Chairity Gala 2015 in Vienna/Austria together with his sister Laetitia. Philip also played at the international prestigious Moselmusikfestival, at the Statemuseum Trier and the historic coronation hall of the townhall in Aachen. In 2015, Philip joined masterclasses of Prof. Manz and Prof. Pompa-Baldi in Naples/Italy.


About Philip media reported several times and he also appeared at German TV and was talk-guest together with his sister Laetitia at most popular german late night show „tv-total“. Besides music, Philip loves skiing, palaeontology and astronomy.

Philip Hahn

Glinka/Balakirev The Lark 


 † prof. Barbara Hesse- Bukowska


Artistic Director:

Dr Krystian Tkaczewski



prof.Maciej Piotrowski


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