Antonina Wenerska, Poland
Antonina Wenerska, born in Lodz, Poland on January 2nd, 2008. She began playing when she was four – at this age, her first private piano lesson. In the school year 2015/2016 she started education in State Music School I and II degree named Karol Kurpinski in Kutno. Antonina gradueted music school in Kutno with honors in 2020. In the school year 2020/2021 she began piano studies at ZSM im. Oskara Kolberga in Radom, under habilitated doctor Michał Drewnowski care. At present, she is attending to the 3rd class of high music school in ZSM im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Łodzi, also in habilitated doctor Michał Drewnowski’s class.
She improved her playing skills during masterclasses with a great pianist, such as profesor Andrzej Tatarski, profesor Cezary Sanecki, profesor Andrzej Jasiński, profesor Ivan Donchev, habilitated doctor Zofia Antes, Justyna Galant. In the academic year 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 she took part in ,,Młodzieżowa Akademia Muzyki” at the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz, where she had lessons with habilitated doctor Michał Drewnowski.
Some of her piano competition achievements:
2nd prize – IX Festiwal Polskiej Muzyki Współczesnej dla pianistów im. Janiny Garści (Lubliniec 2017)
2nd prize – XVI Żyrardowski Konkurs Młodych Pianistów (2017)
1st prize – VI Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny (Augustow 2018)
2nd prize – X ogólnopolski Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Emmy Altberg (Lodz 2018)
3rd prize - Ogólnopolski Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Władysława Kędry – EDYCJA 2021 (Lodz 2021)
1st prize and prize for the best performance of the piece, which was the candidate’s own choice –
I Ogólnopolski Konkurs Pianistyczny ,,Muzyczne Obrazy” (Radom 2021)
1st prize – II Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Krogulskiego w Tarnowie (Tarnow 2022)