Hana Igawa, Japan
Hana Igawa currently studies at Freiburg Musikhochschule in Germany and ives in Berlin. She has received numerous awards in such competitions as Ⅹ Chopin International Piano Competition in Hartford, CT -Third prize, Ⅲ Future stars international piano competition-Third Prize and Best Haydn Paformance Prize, 23rd KOBE International Music Competition -Grand Prize and Kobe Newspaper Award, YAMAHA Young Pianist Concert Gold Award (2010), 23rd Burckhardt International Music Competition -Jury Award, 34th Aichi Piano Competition -Silver Prize, and many others.
She has also performed at YAMAHA Piano Festival Concert, Ceremony playing on the day of the birthday of Imperial Highness Crown Prince of Japan (Heian Jingu/Kyoto Concert Hall), Japan-Italy International Concert (Milan Italy), Vienna International Pianist Academy (2015) International Masterclass at Kurozweki, Poland (2017) and others. From April to July in 2017 Performed six solo recitals a month sponsored by Kusatsu Music Forest International Concert Hall, and many other concerts in Japan. She has featured at Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 "Emperor" with Orchestra Lviv Virtuoso philharmony (Ukraine). She currently studies under tutelage of Prof Susanne Grützmann and Eric Le Sage .
Hana Igawa
N.Kapustin Etude op.40 no.3