Elizabeth Levine, USA
Elizabeth Levine is 11 years old and lives in New York, NY. She studies piano with Yukimi Song.
Elizabeth received the Gold Medal in 2024 AADGT Album of the Young Gifted Performers and the Silver Medal in the 2023 Grand Final of Piano League Piano Star International. She received 1st place in over 20 competitions including the following: American Protégé; Crescendo International; Elite International (Golden Star Award and perfect score); Franz Liszt Center International; Great Composers; Piano Teachers Congress of New York’s Honors Program; Young Pianist Competition of New Jersey; and Young Soloist
International (Grand Prize Finalist). She received 2nd prize in the Chopin International Piano Competition.
Elizabeth performed at both Weill Hall and Zankel Hall, for a total of ten performances at Carnegie Hall. She had her orchestral debut in June 2023, performing a piano concerto with the Somerset Symphony Orchestra.
In 2023, she participated in a summer chamber music program coached by Mannes School of Music faculty and New York Philharmonic musicians, and she currently performs chamber music repertoire with The Chamber Music Center of New York.
Elizabeth designed two flags that have been displayed at Rockefeller Center as part of art exhibitions sourced from international competitions.
Elizabeth was featured on The Today Show to discuss her artistic inspiration in April 2022.
Elizabeth is a member of the Asphalt Green girls U12 travel soccer team.