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Laetitia Hahn, Germany

About the Liszt, played by this young extraordinary Pianist Laetitia Hahn (*2003) the "Süd-West-Presse" writes: truely a tremendous firew ork of soughing Glitter-Arpeggios in perceived light speed and furious key-thunder is passing the listeners ears, evolving the singing of a dreaming soul.

 Almost with 10 years, she is giving her solodebut, while the orchestra debut follows in the same year. 2012/13 Laetitia obtains 18 rewards at 14 competitions, got seleted to be Lang Lang Music Ambassador and got 2014 elected by the "Aachener Nachrichten" to be one of "People 2014". In 2015 she performed together with Lang Lang in China, starting off her first solo-tournee. At the age of 12years, Laetitia passes the examination to become an ordinary bachelor-student. From summer-semester 2016 onwards, she will be enrolled as the youngest ever regular piano bachelor student at the Kalaidos-University of applied sciences switzerland.

Laetitia performed among others at the Philharmony in Essen and Munich, also at the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg, the Albertinum in Dresden, at the Klavier Festival Ruhr, during the Köthener Bachfesttagen, t he Herbstlichen Musiktagen/Bad Urach and at the Leipziger Gewandhaus while Dr. von Weizsäcker (former German President) got awarded with the international Mendelssohn-Price. Together with her younger brother Philip she performed at the Ronald-McDonald Childrens Chairity Gala 2015 in Vienna/Austria, played also at the international prestigious Moselmusikfestival, at the Statemuseum Trier and the historic coronation hall of the townhall in Aachen.

About Laetitia media reported several times and she also appeared at German TV and was talk-guest three times at most popular german late night show „tv-total“. Besides music, Laetitia love s skiing, swimming and reading.

Laetitia Hahn

J.S.Bach/Busoni Chaconne in D minor BWV 1004


 † prof. Barbara Hesse- Bukowska


Artistic Director:

Dr Krystian Tkaczewski



prof.Maciej Piotrowski


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